Personal Pronouns

Definition of Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns can be simply defined as the type of pronouns used to replace a specific noun in a sentence. It can be used to take the place of a person, an animal, a thing, or a place, in order to avoid stating the same noun over and over again in the same text.
Explanation of Personal Pronouns
In a sentence, a personal pronoun can be used in place of a noun that is mentioned earlier in that sentence. You should also know that personal pronouns can have two functions—they can act as either the subject or the object in the sentence. With this, it can be further categorized into two kinds: the subjective personal pronoun (used as the subject) and the objective personal pronoun (used as the direct object, indirect object, or object of the preposition).
The Purpose of Pronouns
The purpose of pronouns is to avoid repetition and make sentences easier to understand. Some of the most common pronouns to remember when learning English as a second language are he, she, it, they, and another.

Examples of Personal Pronouns
The underlined words in the sample sentences below show how personal pronouns are used.
  • He bought a new gaming laptop.
  • Can you take him to the hospital?
  • You gotta be kidding me!
  • Honestly, I think he won’t make it.
  • They are the worst groupmates I ever had!
  • Will you join with us?
  • She pushed the little kid down the stairs.
  • We are going to the coffee shop. Do you want to come with us?
  • Michael and I got it from the novelty shop.
  • Get them something to drink.
Function of Personal Pronouns
The main function of the personal pronoun is to take the place of a noun in a sentence. It can be used as a subject or an object (direct, indirect, object of the preposition) in a text/speech, and can serve as a good way to help you avoid repetition of specific nouns. Thus, it can be considered as a tool that can help ease the flow of words and sentences in your speech or writing.

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